• Concept

    Ethelia is a secure, authoritative and reliable Ethereum blockchain storage provider for various kinds of lightweight data.

    Data stored by Ethelia is immutable, decentralized and independent from cloud providers and corporate regulations: none can restrict access or cancel any permissions due to the tense geopolitical situation, legal regulations or sanctions. Once the data is stored – it's ready for validation, audit or historical analysis. If the data is personal or sensitive, Ethelia will mirror just a hash references on the blockchain instead of actual payloads in a one click on setting toggle.

  • Ethelia
  • Markets

    Ethelia is between two global markets: Web3.0 and IoT. Our target customers are owners of access controls, intelligent sensors, CCTV, guard alarms, digital trackers, medicine or safety devices. Actually any smart systems, where critical events, traces, notifications or tags are emitting and had to be logged.

    The ecology monitoring is the main innovative application area for now. We focus on factory supervision (air pollution profiling, electricity consumption monitoring) and smart city management – control alternative energy sources, systems to balance traffic, street lighting, central heating and air conditioning.

  • Application

    Сonsider a network with functionally different nodes: IoT, programmable logic controllers, smart home systems, micro-services, standalone multi-threading or mobile applications. Every node runs own duty cycle with state changes and events. In general we may skip non-critical state changes or usual events, but once the node detects some anomaly or exceptional behavior, importance of logging increases exponentially. Those logs are stored on blockchain by Ethelia and the fact of storing guarantees the data integrity and consistency.

    Blockchain gives decentralization, security and resistance against data corruption or falsifying. Unfortunately, blockchain node does not manage direct data access — we need high level application or service to do that.

    We need Ethelia 😇

  • Competitive advantages

    Our direct competitors have proprietary solutions. None gives high level online access to storage via API or web panels. There is no ability to audit their blockchains via 3rd-party block explorers, no tools to verify storage consistency, physical status and overall access reliability. Ethelia has all these features out of the box.

    As a public gateway, we offer a wide range of paid plans – you can make payments inside Ethelia ecosystem via our own ERC-20 token. It keeps things simple and gives more freedom to clients.


Raku and Ethereum enthusiast, Ethelia founder.

Expretize: decentralized projects, DeFi applications and Ethereum related features like smart contracts, nodes and network setup, deployment and audit.

R&D: IoT and embedded tech scientific publications, Raku modules maintenance, attendee at Perl, Raku and FOSS related workshops and conferences.
